
Chest & Shoulders Workout | Day 9 | Kris Gethin's 8-Week Hardcore Training Program

2017-04-25 38 Dailymotion

Chest and shoulders are on the docket for today! Let's make that upper body grow.
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Today, I'm feeling particularly sore after leg day. This is normal, and you should expect the same. Soreness is a byproduct of training with intensity, which is what you have to do in order to force those results. To help alleviate my tender muscles, I'm visiting Dr. Watson again for my back realignment and electric pulse treatment. This helps reduce tension within my muscles, which facilitates quicker recovery between workouts.

But first, it's time for another chest and shoulders workout!

| Workout |
1. Morning Cardio - 25 minutes
2. Banded Hammer Press - 3 sets of 20, 15, 10 reps. Third set is a dropset: Perform 10 reps, then immediately reduce the weight and complete another 10 reps. Use resistance bands for added intensity if possible. Rest 45 sec.
3. Smith Machine Incline Bench Press - 3 sets of 20,10,10 reps. Third set is a dropset: Perform 10 reps, then immediately reduce the weight and complete another 10 reps. Use resistance bands for added intensity if possible. Rest 60 sec.
4. Seated Cable Fly - 3 sets of 20,15,10 reps. Third set is a dropset: Perform 10 reps, then immediately reduce the weight and complete another 10 reps. Use resistance bands for added intensity if possible. Rest 60 sec.
5. Push-up - 3 sets to failure, wide hand position. Use band for added intensity if possible. When using bands, perform 15 reps with band, then remove the band and go to failure using bodyweight only. Rest 60 sec.
6. Superset
Barbell Front Raise - 3 sets of 10 reps
Standing Military Press 3 sets of 10 reps
7. One-arm Barbell Lateral Raises - 3 single dropsets of 10 reps per arm. Use band for extra intensity if possible. For each set, start with banded barbell side raises for 10 reps, then remove the band and complete another 10 reps each arm. Rest 60 sec.
8. Back Flyes - 3 sets of 20 reps. For the first set, perform 10 reps with palms facing backward, then turn palms toward each other and perform another 10 reps. Immediately drop the dumbbells and grasp hold of a resistance band and go to failure. That's one set. For the second and third set, replace banded rear delt flyes with banded overhead shoulder presses to failure. Place the band under feet and grasp with both hands, pressing overhead. Rest 60 sec.
9. Evening Cardio - 25 minutes


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